In a crossover that aired on Cartoon Network Octotitled T.G.I.S., The Secret Saturdays come to Bellwood to investigate a rash of chupacabra attacks. It's a whole new Omniverse!Ĭharacters Allies Main Characters Meanwhile, a mysterious hunter, known as Khyber, sets his sights on Ben! With all new alien heroes to choose from, the fun is just getting started. Together they explore a secret alien city, known as Undertown beneath the city of Bellwood. Blue electric orb Green shiny orb Red gem Yellow disappearing gem.
Any two aliens don't have the same power. Kids Games Heroes is completly free, and you can enjoy the games directly from your browser. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Galactic Challenge was a Ben 10: Ultimate Alien online game on Cartoon Network website. Games of Heroes as Batman Games, Spiderman Games, Ben 10 Games, Green Lantern Games, Captain America Games or Hulk Games are some of the hero games you will enjoy here. Ben was all set to be a solo hero with his new Omnitrix after Gwen and Kevin left for college, but Grandpa Max teamed him up with a rookie, by-the-book partner. Here you will find houndred of flash games of your favourite heroes. Episode 1: Fast and furious action gameshow with 36 Ben 10 Superfans battling it out in 13 mind-bending tests of alien skills, strength and knowledge to become the Ultimate Ben 10 Champion 22 min.